What to Expect:
Most people take their hair for granted until they are faced with losing it from chemotherapy treatments. A diagnosis of cancer is devastating to anyone and suffering through effects of chemotherapy is a difficult road to being well again. However, both men and women report hair loss as one of the side effects they dread the most after being diagnosed with cancer.
Whether or not you have hair loss from your chemotherapy depends mostly on the type and dose of medication you receive. All the the side effects from chemotherapy can be grueling and take a toll on you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Maintaining a good body image is important to your health and when you look good, you do feel better!
If hair loss is a side effect of your treatment, your first indication will be excess shedding. Hair usually begins falling out two to three weeks after your first treatment. It could fall our very quickly in clumps or gradually. It is common for your scalp to feel tender.
Many women will opt to shave their heads at the first sign of hair loss rather than allowing it to shed for a week or so until it is all gone.
Coping with Hair Loss:
there are many choices to cope with chemo related hairloss. Some women are self confident enough to go without head coverings, however, most women prefer to wear a wig similar to their usual style. Hats, head scarves, and turbans are popular as well.
Fortunately, fake looing wigs are a thing of the past. Technology has advanced considerably. Today's wigs now look natural and are comfortable to wear.
What should I do after my hair falls out?
When will my hair grow back?
Most likely your hair will start to grow back in 2 to 4 months after chemotherapy treatments. Sometimes your new hair can be curlier or straighter -or even a different color! Often it will grow back with a lot more gray than before you lost it. In time, it will probably go back to its normal texture. It can also start growing back in some areas, often the back and nape areas, before it starts growing back on the top and front.
Hair grows about a 1/2 inch each month so it could take a year for short styles to grow in and two years to get longer hair back.
If you want longer hair sooner, hair extensions are an option. When your hair is four inches on top you can get extensions to lengthen it to your shoulders.